Welcome to the MagicQueers Roleplaying Forum!
To ensure that things run smoothly, there are a few rules and regulations that every member must abide by. Failure to adhere to these rules will first result in a warning; however, repeated offenders may be banned temporarily or permanently at the discretion of the admins.
We may add to this list as new rules become necessary. As a member of this forum, it is your job to check the rules periodically to ensure that you are up to date on them. Warnings and temporary / permanent bans will not be excused simply because you weren't aware certain rules had been added or updated.
Without further ado, The Rules:
1. Slurs, derogatory language, or otherwise disrespectful comments will not be tolerated.
2. Do not play queerphobic, racist, sexist, etc. characters on this forum. This is a safe space for all, and these types of characters can be very triggering to some participants.
3. Always warn for triggers. Please see
"Trigger Warnings & NSFW Threads" for more information about appropriately tagging this content.
4. No double-posting. If you need to add to a post, edit the original one instead of posting again.
5. No spamming, which can include bumping threads more than necessary, trolling, advertising other websites without administrator permission, etc.
6. Please fill out the provided template for your character (either OC or canon) before RPing with that character. The template can be found in the
Character Sheets thread.
7. Link your character description in your forum signature. Visit
"Editing Signatures" for information on how to do this.
8. Forum signatures should not include images, gifs, etc.; only text and text-based links. Also, keep text at a reasonable font size.
9. Avatars may not include any NSFW content, or triggering images (blood, gore, drugs, etc). If your avatar is found to be offensive, you will be asked to change it.
10. Certain oppressive and harmful characters (Voldemort, etc.) are not to be portrayed as queerpositive - he, and some other characters, are non-redeemable. This is at the discretion of the mods; be prepared for the possibility of your choice of character / portrayal of that character to be rejected on this basis.
11. Keep in mind that this RP is not a Harry Potter RP - this is a magicqueers RP above all else. This means that canon takes a backseat to the mission of magicqueers. Application of this blanket rule is at the discretion of the mods.
12. If you see offensive language / stereotypes / triggering material / anything that goes against the rules laid out in this post, it is your duty as a magicqueers RP participant to report the thread / OP(s) to at least one of the mods. This RP will likely become expansive and thereby nearly impossible for the mods to catch everything; you must do your part to make this a safe, welcoming, and positive community for all.
13. NSFW content is not permitted on this forum. Read the explanation